Polypipe Solvent Cement c/w Brush 250ml

Part Number : U0183953


Polypipe Solvent Cement 250ml Tin

Features and Benefits:

  • Quick Set
  • 250ML
  • Solvent Cement


  • Do not decant, dilute or stir
  • Replace cap immediately after use
  • Cut pipe square remove burrs. Cllean contacting surfaces with Pipe Cleaner. Thoroughly coat both contactnig surfaces with solvent cement using the brush. Immediately push the joints firmly together without twisting, and hold firmly for 20-30 seconds. Remove excess cement. Do not disturb joint for at least 10 minutes, final set 24 hours

Technical Specification

Technical Specifications

AX Part Number GM000071205
Manufacturer Part Number SC250
EAN Barcode 5022733019864

Quantity (ml)

£93.89 inc VAT

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