Part Number : U0014631


  • PRODUCT DETAILS Johnstone‚s Hardwearing Non Drip Gloss provides a high sheen finish for interior and exterior wood and metal including skirting boards, doors, radiators and staircases. The solvent based drip resistant formulation is long lasting and will minimise mess caused during painting. PREPARATION All surfaces should be clean, dry and free from grease. Remove any loose or flaking paint. Rub down sound glossy surfaces with fine waterproof abrasive paper and rinse thoroughly to provide a key. Avoid the inhalation of dust. Wear a suitable face mask if dry sanding. Prime bare surfaces with an appropriate Johnstone‚s primer. Special precautions should be taken during surface preparation of pre-1960s paint surfaces over wood and metal as they may contain harmful lead APPLICATION Ensure maximum ventilation during application and drying. Not recommended for interior use on large surface areas, or in confined spaces. Do not stir. Apply by brush or roller. For best results load the brush or roller. Apply liberally and evenly for a smooth finish, avoid overspreading. Occasionally a small amount of liquid may appear in the tin, if this is not used in the first brushful, remove excess. Under normal conditions allow 16-24 hours before applying a second coat if required. Do not apply when air or surface temperature is below 10'C or in damp conditions. Do not apply over polystyrene surfaces. CLEANING Replace lid firmly after use. Remove as much product as possible from application equipment before cleaning. Clean all equipment immediately after use in White Spirit or Turpentine Substitute. To avoid the risk of spillage, always store and transport in a secure upright position. Do not empty waste paint into drains or watercourses. Some local authorities have special facilities for the disposal of waste coatings.
  • Drip resistant formulation
  • Minimise mess during painting
  • Traditional solvent based formulation
  • £15.83 inc VAT

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