Keystone Lintel BOX/K-100 1500mm

Part Number : U0007130


Keystone Lintel BOX/K-100 1500mm

Building Materials - Lintels and Padstones - Solid Wall Lintels - Keystone Lintel BOX/K-100 1500mm

Keystone Lintel BOX/K-100 1500mm Box Lintels must have a minimum end bearing of 150mm on each side of the opening, bedded on mortar. Level the lintel along its length and across its width. Masonry built must be laid on a mortar bed and all perpendicular joints to be filled with mortar.
Care should be taken to avoid shock loading on box lintels when used in conjunction with concrete floors or other heavy units.

  • Used to support openings in 100mm wide walls.
  • Lintels may be propped to facilitate speed of construction.

Technical Specification

Technical Specifications

Product Type Standard Load Box Lintel
AX Part Number GM000080975
Huws Gray Part No U0007130
Load (kN) 15
Cavity (mm) 100
Manufacturer Part Number KBX115
EAN Barcode 5038198000941

Length (mm)

£114.36 inc VAT

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