Armitage Shanks Sanura/Mura Exposed Flushpipe Range Of 4 Urinal Bowls

Part Number : U0162218


Armitage Shanks are a figurehead of the bathroom industry, synonymous with both exceptional quality and reliability. Their range provides a gentle touch of elegance to any bathroom design. The specially crafted range combines effortless beauty with efficient performance. The architectural design of each product has been created to compliment a wide range of bathrooms, giving them a luxurious and timeless appearance.


Height: 100mm
Width: 100mm
Depth: 1000mm
Weight: 2.40kg

Technical Specification

Technical Specifications

AX Part Number GM000030259
Huws Gray Part No U0162218
Manufacturer Part Number S6223MY
EAN Barcode 5012001213698


£165.14 inc VAT

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